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Native Android mobile applications
A term “native application” means, that the application is directly tailored to one mobile operating system’s requirements. This means the final product will be much more stable with a much better performance, than a non-native application. High complexity calculation logics and hardware specific expectations, such as real time image processing, NFC usage or self learning neural networks can be achieved with a native application.
My main specialization is Android mobile software development. I made numerous applications to very different clients with various requirements. Sometimes it’s made for the average end-users, but sometime it’s made to the background, for store staff, for logistic or transporting specialists. Different needs but the same development process:
Visuals and user experience are the two important point of view, when a users decide whether they like your app or not.
To have a smooth running application with well supportable codebase, a strong foundation needs to be created first.

After the design and architectural plans are done, the coding begins. Every feature and every visual part will be developed as we planed.
After your app's first release the process continues. Your application will constantly evolve and I will be more than happy to help.
Most frequent questions and answers
Yes, but…
Android and iOS are two separate operating systems, therefore two native mobile application needs to be developed separately.
‘m a native Android software developer, but I worked with numerous well trusted iOS developers. So I can help you find the right person for the iOS part of the project too.
Not all of them. I have some graphical designer and user experience designer background, but I often collaborate with GFX and UX designers to achieve the best look and feel possible.
I believe we have to aim for the long run. Many developer thinks when the app got to release, the work is done. I don’t think that is anywhere near to the right mentality.
To make a project, an app successful scalability and supportability are very two important qualities. Without a strong and prepared foundation, after development started or after a release things will start to fall apart, and these qualities can be achieved with a lot of effort.